Cleaning and scrubbing will wait ’till tomorrow, but children grow up, as I’ve learned to my sorrow. So quiet down cobwebs! Dust go to sleep! I’m rocking my baby. Babies don’t keep. – Ruth Hamilton

Friday, November 2, 2012

When it's Bad it's Bad

Once again I am finding this to be comforting-a place to write down everything that is happening right now.  I won't include pictures yet...not until we are out of the BAD.

Over a week ago, Macklin went to the doctor because I suspected he had an ear infection.  Yes, in fact he had a double ear infection.  We were sent home with a prescription, but last time the medicine didn't work and he had to have shots.  I thought-here we go again!

We had Mark's brother's wedding and were having a blast (I will blog about that when I get home).  We thought he was just tired from the action and us pumping him full of treats, but on Sunday he still wasn't getting better.  Mark and I decided to call the doctor in the morning.  I did and had the appointment-when I went to change his diaper I noticed he was yellow where his diaper was.  Of course I had no other option but to bring all three kids with me to the appointment, but I knew something was wrong.

When our doctor looked at Mack his eyes were that time he said we need blood work.  He told me to be worried, but not to freak out.  I was freaking out!

Luckily Mark met me just in time to take him back for tests.  By the time we got back home my parents were on there way to our house.  I was freaking out!

Not until 2:00 in the afternoon did we hear anything.  The conversation went kind of like this:
Doctor: Beth his enzymes in his liver are really high
Me: Okay...
Doctor: Beth he is really sick and you need to get him to the ICU now
Me: Okay!
Doctor: Like in 15 minutes!

Our nanny ran up to get him-my dad called Mark-my mom ran to the car with Mack and myself.  After a lot of crying and my mom yelling at me to slow down, we got him into our local hospital.  There they put an IV in him and started more blood work.  They also sedated him for an ultra sound and got more test done.

That first night was hard.  There was a terrible nurse who tried to get a new IV in him FOUR times and still didn't succeed!  He didn't fall asleep until five in the morning and we were back up at 7:00 a.m.  It was a rough!  I had a gut feeling it wasn't over...we had NO answers!

They suspected it could be from the medicine and thought he would start to get back to normal and moved us off ICU.  On Wednesday morning we still knew NOTHING!  When the doctor started talking to us I realized this was bigger than just a reaction to the medicine and talked about transferring him to St. Louis-where they have an amazing Children's Hospital.

We were transferred that evening by ambulance.  I rode with him and Mark took the other two in the car.  I had gone home and packed bags for ourselves and our nanny packed up the kids.  My friend Lindsey came by and helped me get everything organized-plus helped keep me calm (I thank her for that!).  We have family here in St. Louis so we knew if we forgot anything it was taken care of and now we don't need to worry where Avery and Lincoln are going to be.

Here we are, it's Friday and we will probably be here for a while.  They did a biopsy on his liver yesterday and are still narrowing out what could cause this.  Last night was rough and he spiked a fever-which until that point had not had any fevers.  It was worrisome because he had had the biopsy.  I am not sure if I will update this anymore until a later time, but for now I needed to write all this out to try and comprehend what has happened to our little Mack and our family.

Thank you to everyone for the prayers and support!  We need more people to pray for Mack-he is a strong little boy, but it is Gods hands.  Thank you again.


  1. Oh Beth, my heart aches for you...we are praying and will continue to do so. Keep doing your best - keep looking ahead, taking one step at a time. You are stronger than you may feel at times. We will pass your prayer requests along. Love, Lindsey

  2. I am so sorry. How scary! I hope they figure out everything quickly. Praying for healing and recovery and peace for you and wisdom for the doctors.

  3. Oh my heart is hurting for you and my soul is praying for you. Praying for peace, healing and more peace.
