Cleaning and scrubbing will wait ’till tomorrow, but children grow up, as I’ve learned to my sorrow. So quiet down cobwebs! Dust go to sleep! I’m rocking my baby. Babies don’t keep. – Ruth Hamilton

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Good Times Again

After having a baby you begin to feel a little trapped in your house. Since this is our third, we have made a huge effort to have as many people over to fill our time. Last weekend we had a little time out together-without kids. Thank goodness for our friends Mike and Celine who also met us for Mexican (actually I just wanted a margarita!) this past week and we have got some great patio time with others.

This past Saturday we had Mark's brothers and family over. It was nice to have adult interaction and great to have extra hands around.  It made Mark and I feel better and we both blew off a little steam through great conversations.  Thank you Watsons!

These three are really close in age.  Avery and Cohan get along great, but Mack and Cohan have some tension-not sure why.  You can really see it in this picture above...
No fear though put some corn on the cob in front of them and you will get a few moments of piece-until Mack loses it and had a huge fit during dinner!

Avery and Cohan stayed up late together and it was really fun to see them play together without any fights.  Cohan was also VERY interested in Lincoln.  These were some cure shots!

Come over anytime...please!!!!

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