Cleaning and scrubbing will wait ’till tomorrow, but children grow up, as I’ve learned to my sorrow. So quiet down cobwebs! Dust go to sleep! I’m rocking my baby. Babies don’t keep. – Ruth Hamilton

Friday, April 11, 2014

Time is Passing

I have never had a problem keeping up with this blog. 
It's always been important to me to share my children's stories and provide them with a detailed childhood book.  It became even more important to keep everyone up to date with Mack and his progress, but lately it's been hard to keep up.
 I was without my camera for a while so that didn't help, but the real reason is they are getting older.  The naps are shorter on the weekends-which is when I updated.  We have activities going on almost every night and if we don't we are outside playing and visiting with friends.  I want them to have these memories, but time is passing and I am so behind.  It must be a good thing that I'm too busy being with my kids then on the computer blogging:)

Be prepared for the longest post:
With that being said, I have pictures from February that I just found and are too great not to share. 
One nice thing about having a dad that has good snow equipment is, you get an igloo.  Since this winter started they have been begging for an igloo.

They had a great time!
Jump ahead to Valentine's Day (which is my favorite) and I found all sorts of pictures.  The night before Valentine's Day Nanny came by and brought balloons and presents.

They were excited-it was like Christmas!!

With two sets of grandparents, our gifts sometimes get shuffled.  Haha, but that's okay!

They still enjoyed waking up to more little gifts from their parents.

I thought Avery loved candy, but nothing compared to Lincoln.  He can find candy anywhere!

Avery is really into Super Heroes.  She wanted to be Wonder Woman for Halloween, but that has changed to Hawk Girl:) She chances the boys around pretending to be a Super Hero!

That night we headed to St. Louis to celebrate with Mum and Papa.
Now jumped to current day:
My mom and nanny have been filling in some afternoons so my kids have attached to them.  Here is Mack snuggled in.
We continue to enjoy baby Kalen!  It's been fun having a group of parents taking care of these four!  It's been said it takes a village and I believe it after this experience.
Our kids are never inside.  They are dirty and loving the time in our yard.  Why go to a park when you have 5 acres to explore?  The other day we search for Dinosaur prints-they may have been deer or other animals, but the possibilities were endless.

Monday was a huge day in our family...Cardinal Baseball has begun.  Mark and I left the kids and headed to St. Louis for Opening Day.  Meme kept them all day and then Nanny and Papa H. kept them over night.  I don't think they could ever know how much that means to us and that we didn't have to worry about them at all.  They had a great time and expected them back the next  night. 
We joined my parents and had a great day celebrating.

Unfortunately it rained the entire game!!!  It didn't seem to matter though!

It was nice to be alone with my parents.  My poor mom had to drive to our house the next day and watch the kids, but at least my kids loved having both grandmas in one day!
Lincoln spent time with Meme cheering on the Cards.

Avery went to dance with Nanny and represented as well.

Mack was picked up by Aunt Heidi and got to surprise Cohan at school and they ventured off to Flipz together.  Two little buds!
Thank you everyone for helping so Mark and I could have some fun!!
So, agree this was the world's longest post?  My hope is to be better, but if not...that just means life is moving along.
Happy Friday!

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