Cleaning and scrubbing will wait ’till tomorrow, but children grow up, as I’ve learned to my sorrow. So quiet down cobwebs! Dust go to sleep! I’m rocking my baby. Babies don’t keep. – Ruth Hamilton

Friday, March 22, 2013

Here's a Random Friday Post

Today was our first "normal" Friday in a long time and with some good news about Mack this week, I was ready for a day home with my babies!
I really love my time home with them and to make the day better we had a friend come over to play.  The kids played and Rachel and got to catch up, but then they left...

and total craziness started! 
 Lincoln had a major accident and as I was cleaning him up and about to put him in the bath, his siblings were playing nicely in Avery's room.  I didn't realize this entailed taking every clothing item out of her drawers and every shoe out of the closet and EVERY toy out of the boxes!!!  I stopped and brought Lincoln (naked) into the room to clean that mess up.  Then he peed on the floor and I heard giggling from the bathroom.  The other two escaped the mess in the room only to make a bigger mess in the bathroom by "playing" with the baking soda that was about to go in Lincoln's bath!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
I am so happy to be home with my babies, but this is what I felt like afterwards:
Haha!  What a day-do you see all the stains on my shirt?  It's what it's all about right? I just have to remember all the days we couldn't be at home and how blessed we are to be here and not in the hospital.  Happy weekend everyone-and happy spring break to the people that live around here.

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