There has been something else that has been weighing heavy on my heart. There was a report on the 4th of July that two kids swimming at the Lake of the Ozarks were electrocuted. This was awful to hear and my heart went out to that family. The next day a friend informed me that it was past students of ours...
I had these two sweet kids as my students for many years and still have some of their work. Even writing this I can't keep a dry eye. These parents have lost two of their three children in such a tragic way! Once again I am reminded to hold my babies more, not stress about the house, feed Lincoln even if it not "time", and not get mad when two of my three kids want to wake up at 5:45 this morning. I have them to hold! Tonight will be very hard going to the visitation, but I feel it's a good thing to let the family know we care.
Off of here so I can hug my babies tight!
I'm so sorry for your loss of knowing them... And for the families affected. Big hugs