Since we started gardening, I've been wanting to add a compost bin. It's a wonderful attribute to our garden and is a learning experience I wanted for my kids. I want them to recycle and have it be part of their daily habits. I also want them to know not everything has to be trash-this will be one of their choirs, to bring our food scrapes to the compost. To some people, this may seem extreme or weird, but it was so easy to do. I had the idea to use palettes and Mark went with it! He is so good at that! We used old dirt, grass clippings, mulch and a whole lot of straw that has been in our woods for a while (thanks to some special family members who like to dump in our woods ;):)) Now, we walk out and bring our food such as banana peels, orange peels, egg shells and even our coffee grounds! They are excited and love to bury the food.
You know you're country drive an old pick up through the yard and all the kids are in it. Oh well, they had a blast and Papa H. even helped out! |
Hopefully we will have some rich dirt next spring! Happy Composting!